Industrial Painters apply paint, varnishes and other coatings to a variety of materials and surfaces. Industrial Painters work primarily in the construction and manufacturing, painting structures or industrial commodities. Most Industrial Painters have an industry specialty, such as house painting, automotive painting or machinery painting. Industrial Painters usually work as part of a team, although that depends on what industry they specialize in.
Industrial Painter Duties and Responsibilities
To accomplish their primary goal of painting and coating surfaces, Industrial Painters perform many tasks. We analyzed several job listings to identify these core industrial Painter duties and responsibilities.
Clean and Prepare Surfaces
Industrial Painters must first prepare the surface they are going to paint. If there are previous finishes on the surface, they remove them using masking, grit blast or chemical rinse. Then, they clean and smooth the surface and let it dry before painting.
Prepare Paints
Before starting a job, Industrial Painters prepare the paint they will use. They use measurement equipment such as viscosity cups, thickness gages and gloss gages to check the makeup of the paint, and use their understanding of chemistry to mix the appropriate compounds for the job.
Apply Paint
Painters use a variety of techniques and tools to paint surfaces. They may use spray equipment, airbrushes, stencils, rollers or brushes. Industrial painters must choose the best tool for the job at hand. They paint on primers, pre-finishes and finishing coats. Some Industrial Painters must use special safety equipment such as self-contained suits or protective eyewear.
Clean Work Areas
Industrial Painters clean up the area after they have finished a job. They must carefully follow all guidelines for the safe handling and disposal of hazardous chemicals and waste.
Maintain Equipment
Industrial Painters are responsible for maintenance of their painting equipment, some of which is quite technical. They must be able to troubleshooting any problems that the equipment may have.